WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:13.920 This is Hacker Public Radio Episode 4106 from Monday 29 April 2024. 00:13.920 --> 00:18.520 Today's show is entitled, My Tribute to Feeds. 00:18.520 --> 00:23.360 It is hosted by Henry Cameron and is about four minutes long. 00:23.360 --> 00:26.000 It carries a clean flag. 00:26.000 --> 00:29.800 The summary is, feeds are useful to keep me updated with 00:29.800 --> 00:42.680 new information from websites I am interested in. 00:42.680 --> 00:45.200 Welcome to Hacker Public Radio. 00:45.200 --> 00:49.880 My name is Henry Cameron and I'm your host today. 00:49.880 --> 00:56.800 I will talk about information feeds from websites delivered to my computer device. 00:56.800 --> 01:03.040 I use the term feeds and by that I mean both RSS feeds and atom feeds, 01:03.040 --> 01:07.520 the two feed protocols which are very similar. 01:07.520 --> 01:13.960 I believe it's very likely you as a listener to Hacker Public Radio know about feeds. 01:13.960 --> 01:19.480 Not unlikely you even know the technical details for better than I do. 01:19.480 --> 01:21.880 Anyway. 01:21.880 --> 01:28.000 Nowadays many of us use feeds very often without thinking of them as feeds when we subscribe 01:28.000 --> 01:30.240 to podcasts. 01:30.240 --> 01:33.240 But feeds have been around for many years. 01:33.240 --> 01:37.640 Back in the days I used feeds for websites I was interested in. 01:37.640 --> 01:44.640 But somehow I forgot about it and web browsers stop to support feed subscriptions. 01:44.640 --> 01:49.080 A year or two ago I started my new journey into feeds. 01:49.080 --> 01:53.840 Although it's not so much talk about feeds nowadays very many websites have 01:53.840 --> 01:57.560 support for feed subscriptions. 01:57.560 --> 02:03.560 To start at my own personal website many of the pages have feeds typically those that 02:03.560 --> 02:11.640 are blog like pages and you can subscribe to several feeds on my site. 02:11.640 --> 02:17.280 From Hacker Public Radio I subscribe to a feed for all show comments. 02:17.280 --> 02:25.720 So when you write a comment regarding my show today I will get notified in my feed manager. 02:25.720 --> 02:31.200 I primarily use Thunderbird to manage my feeds. 02:31.200 --> 02:35.480 I do not need my feeds to be synced to other devices. 02:35.480 --> 02:42.800 So Thunderbird which I use daily for emails is therefore very practical and natural for 02:42.800 --> 02:46.080 me to use also for feeds. 02:46.080 --> 02:53.360 In addition I use the feeder app on my Android based phone for some feeds. 02:53.360 --> 03:01.920 I do not use feeds for websites I anyway will visit often or that have a lot of news. 03:01.920 --> 03:05.360 I would be overwhelmed of feeds. 03:05.360 --> 03:13.160 Instead I use feeds for websites which are not updated so frequently but are sites I want 03:13.160 --> 03:15.080 to keep an eye on. 03:15.080 --> 03:20.200 That summer updated daily like from the Parliament. 03:20.200 --> 03:27.160 In some cases feeds are an alternative to subscribe to email notifications and email 03:27.160 --> 03:34.400 newslistters but the beauty with feeds is that I'm in charge and without giving out 03:34.400 --> 03:41.200 email or anything and the site owner will not know I subscribe. 03:41.200 --> 03:49.280 Solutions starts so simple as I type the feed URL into my Thunderbird feed manager and 03:49.280 --> 03:55.120 when I want to end an subscription I simply delete it. 03:55.120 --> 04:01.200 Furthermore I subscribe to status pages I get notifications for example from my internet 04:01.200 --> 04:06.920 service provider for the planned and unplanned maintenance. 04:06.920 --> 04:10.400 Several authorities have interesting feeds. 04:10.400 --> 04:14.120 I have feeds from some companies and organizations. 04:14.120 --> 04:22.240 I have feeds from many software developers for example Thunderbird and Linux Mint. 04:22.240 --> 04:28.040 I have feeds from some journalists and politicians and alike. 04:28.040 --> 04:35.120 I have feeds from persons with competence in various areas I'm interested in. 04:35.120 --> 04:43.040 And other persons who I'm interested in for the persons they are and their thoughts. 04:43.040 --> 04:50.400 So this show is to tell you that I have rediscovered feeds and found them useful for me. 04:50.400 --> 04:53.000 Maybe you already use feeds. 04:53.000 --> 04:59.920 Maybe this show will inspire you to have a look into feeds as useful tool for your personal 04:59.920 --> 05:02.960 or professional life. 05:02.960 --> 05:05.040 Thank you for listening. 05:05.040 --> 05:07.040 Take care and goodbye. 05:35.440 --> 05:40.440 On the side of my status they show is released on their creative comments. 05:40.440 --> 05:43.840 Attribution 4.0 international license.